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Nagios Core


Nagios is an open source software light-weight designed to monitor system, networks and infrastructure, its light weight allow us to install it in a raspberry.

There are several version but in this tutorial we go for the Nagios Core

1. Prepare Raspberry

  1. Update the system.

sudo apt updates
sudo apt full-upgrade
2. Install the packages need it for Nagios

sudo apt install -y autoconf build-essential wget unzip apache2 apache2-utils php libgd-dev snmp libnet-snmp-perl gettext libssl-dev wget bc gawk dc libmcrypt-dev

2. Download and compiling Nagios

1. Move to a temporal directory /tmp were wi later will download the Nagios source code.

cd /tmp

2. Download the Nagios source code

wget -O nagios.tar.gz

I had an issue with SSL those i download it normally and i move it to the directory manually

3. Extract the files

tar xzf nagios.tar.gz

4. Move to the directory and prepare for compilation

cd /tmp/nagioscore-nagios-4.4.6/
./configure --with-httpd-conf=/etc/apache2/sites-enabled

5. Compile Nagios

make all

3. Settings up Nagios on the Raspberry

1. Create users and groups with the make command

sudo make install-groups-users
sudo usermod -a -G nagios www-data

2. Installed the binaries to the system using the command bellow

sudo make install

3. With the make command we install the Nagios service and make it start at boot

this command install the Nagios core deamon

sudo make install-daemoninit

4. we set up the external command directory

sudo make install-commandmode

5. Copy a sample configuration file using make

this file is important without it the software wont run

sudo make install-config

6. now configure the apache server or to install the configuration for the apache

sudo make install-webconf
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo a2enmod cgi

7. Now we create an apache user that we will use to access the Nagios interface

The following command will create a user called nagiosadmin. You will be asked to specify a password for this user.

sudo htpasswd -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin
The user must be called nagiosadmin to satisfy the default configuration of Nagios.

4. Starting Nagios on Raspberry

1. Restart the Apache server

sudo systemctl restart apache2

2. Enable NAgios service and start it up by running the following two commands

sudo systemctl enable nagios
sudo systemctl start nagios
By enabling the service, we will be allowing Nagios to start up at boot on your Raspberry Pi.

3. Verify that Nagios has started on your Raspberry Pi by running the following command.

sudo systemctl status nagios

If everything is working as intended, you should see the following text be outputted to the terminal.

Active: active (running)

This text tells us that the service is active and is currently running.

5. Installing the Nagios Plug-ins

In this section, we will be showing you how to install these Nagios plugins on your Raspberry Pi.

1. First change into our /tmp directory.

cd /tmp

2. Now that we are in the /tmp directory, we can download the Nagios plugins by running the command below.

wget -O nagios-plugins.tar.gz

3. Now extract the plugin source code to our current directory by using the following command.

tar zxf nagios-plugins.tar.gz

4. Our next step is to change into our newly created directory and configure the plugins for compilation.

cd /tmp/nagios-plugins-2.3.3

4. Once the configuration process has completed, we can compile the Nagios plugins by running the following command.

Depending on your Raspberry Pi, this process can take some time. However, it should be a lot faster than compiling the base Nagios code.

5. Finish up this process by installing the Nagios plugins by running the following command.

sudo make install

6. To make sure Nagios loads in the new plugins, restart the software by running the command below.

sudo systemctl restart nagios

6. Connecting the Nagios Web interface

We can access the UI by

You can retrieve your Raspberry Pi’s local IP address by running the following command.
hostname -I

7. Adding Devices to Nagios

To add host we will need to create a configuration file that later Nagios will read.

1. Navigate to object configuration folder for Nagios

this is a default folder that contain sample configuration files we can check the file to get an idea

cd /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects

2. Now lets create a configuration file

We can use a name pimylifeuphost.cfg

sudo nano pimylifeuphost.cfg

3. within the file we can enter the following

define host {
    use                     linux-server            ; Host group to use
    host_name               Pi My Life Up Host      ; Name of this host
    alias                   pimylifeuphost          ; Alias
    address                 [YOURHOSTIPADDRESS]     ; IP Address

to save ctrl + x follow by y and enter

4. We need to modify the Nagios file to be able to read the new host

sudo nano /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

5. within the file we need to do changes



add Bellow


Restart Nagios

sudo systemctl restart nagios
For now we are making a ping check and nothing else, for more specialties test we need to configure the services

8. Adding Service to Nagios

This example we will add check_http and Check_ssh

1. We need to modify the host configuration created earlier

define service {
    use                     local-service
    host_name               Pi My Life Up Host
    service_description     SSH
    check_command           check_ssh

define service {
    use                     local-service
    host_name               Pi My Life Up Host
    service_description     HTTP
    check_command           check_http

2. We need to check if the configuration made is correct

sudo /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

If everything is okay we will see Things look okay


Now we restart Nagios

sudo systemctl restart nagios