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Center and Z offset

After change the board or flash a new firmware it is necessary center and set the offset for the Z

Z-Offset Instructions:

  1. Home 3D printer
  2. M851 Z0 - Reset Z0Offset
  3. M500 - Store setting to eeprom
  4. M501 - Set active parameters
  5. M503 - Display Active Parameters
  6. G28 Z - Home Z Axis
  7. G1 F60 Z0 - Move nozzle to true 0 offset
  8. M211 S0 - Switch off soft endstops
  9. take note of the current Z value and Move nozzle towards bed slowly until the paper can barely move
  10. Take note of the new Z value on the printer display (take that number and add the measurement of the calibration sheet or device used)
  11. M851 Z X.XX (X.XX being your z offset achieved)
  12. M211 S1 - Enable Soft Endstops
  13. M500 - Save settings to EEprom
  14. M501 - Set Active Parameters
  15. M503 - display current settings

base in this video and this article

G-code used

M851 - XYZ Probe Offset

Not totally clear for me how to make the procedure explained, specially when they mentioned that you can use define Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER to define the offset at firmware level, although ti is useful in the calibration procedure.

Usage M851

M851 [X<linear>] [Y<linear>] [Z<linear>]

Example: M851 Z0 - Reset Z0Offset

source: M851

M500 - Save settings

Save all configuration on the EEPROM

SKR Mini E3 doesnt have a EEPROM there is several ways to overcome this, that is what Reddit says, one will be with a Virtual EEPROM other using the SD card as EEPROM.


Usage M500

source: M500

M501 - Restore Settings

Load all saved settings from EEPROM


Usage M501

source: M501

M503 - Report Settings

Print a concise report of all current settings.

Does not require EEPROM_SETTINGS

Usage M503

source: M503

G28 - Auto Home

Auto-home one or more axis moving to the end-stop until triggered.

G28 disable bed leveling. follow with M420 s to turn leveling on, or use RESTORE_LEVELING_AFTER_G28

Usage G28

G28 [O] [R] [X] [Y] [Z]
* [X] Flag to go back to the X axis origin

  • [Y] Flag to go back to the Y axis origin

  • [Z] Flag to go back to the Z axis origin

Example: G28 Z home the Z axis

source: G28

G1 - Linear move

G0 and G1 suppose to be similar command, they generate a linear movement, but this command is queue and it is execute when there is a space in the queue, G0 it is use for movements that doesn't include the extrudor and G1 for those that does

All the coordinates are given in millimeters by default (see G20 if you want to change to inch)

Usage G1

G0 [E<pos>] [F<rate>] [X<pos>] [Y<pos>] [Z<pos>]
G1 [E<pos>] [F<rate>] [X<pos>] [Y<pos>] [Z<pos>]
* [E<pos>] The length of filament to feed into the extruder between the start and end point

  • [F<rate>] The maximum movement rate of the move between the start and end point. The feedrate set here applies to subsequent moves that omit this parameter.

  • [X<pos>] A coordinate on the X axis

  • [Y<pos>] A coordinate on the Y axis

  • [Z<pos>] A coordinate on the Z axis

source: G1

M211 - software Endstops

Optionally enable and disabel software stop, this software stop prevent to go below 0

Usage M211

M211 [S<flag>]
  • S<flag> flag 0 for disable and 1 for enable


M211 S0
source: M211