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Air Vent servo control

The air vent subproject is part of the Ikea Lack enclosure, more exact to the Air vent or the temperature control. The idea is simple; the vents will be open and close with by a servo, the decision to open or close the vents depending on the current temperature inside the enclosure.

The project is based on Servo automated iris/aperture for airflow control by AcE_Krystal


First Sketch (Basic Control)

002.servo_schema First, we are going to create a sketch to control the servo. It will move 180 degrees right, later 180 left.

The code will be as follow:

#include <Servo.h>

Servo servo_air_vent;

int servo_position = 0;

void setup() {

  servo_Air_vent.attach (9);


void loop() {

  for (servo_position = 0; servo_position <=180; servo_position +=1){


  for (servo_position=180; servo_position >= 0; servo_position -=1){

  1. We are going to import the library #include <Servo.h>
  2. we are going to give a name to the servo, in this case, "servo_air_vent" Servo servo_air_vent;
  3. we define the initial position int servo_position = 0;
  4. in the setup block we tell Arduino where the servo is connected Servo_Air_vent.attach (9);
  5. In the loop block we create 2 for that will move the servo to the right and later to the left